Delivered from the cloud, Diverse Concepts’ Hosted Exchange O365 Cloud is the best choice for business email. Our Hosted Exchange O365 Cloud lets your company communicate and collaborate more effectively than with any other email platform.
Diverse Concepts specializes in providing enterprise-grade business communications to small- and medium-sized businesses. Our offering provides users the robust features of Outlook Web App, shared calendars and contacts with add-ons such as the latest version of Outlook, Teams and full support for Android or iPhone.
Several advantages to choosing hosted Microsoft Exchange O365 Cloud from Diverse Concepts:
The latest version of the world’s leading business email platform
Exchange O365 Cloud delivers enhancements to email, calendars, contacts, chat, content management and more. And it makes these tools as rich and easy-to-use on mobile devices as they are on desktops and laptops.
The cloud saves capital and cuts expenses
There’s no need to purchase servers, license software, or spend weeks building or upgrading your infrastructure. Your expenses become predictable per-user monthly fees.
A worry-free cloud experience
Our worry-free cloud offers a 99.999% uptime SLA, simplified administration, and granular control over your cloud environment. Every account gets expert, complimentary migration and onboarding. We also offer superior 24/7/365 email and phone support.
Exchange 2013 improves your growth potential
Diverse Concepts’ hosted Exchange O365 Cloud provides the email platform your employees need to extend your potential for growth. It delivers a worry-free experience that lets you maintain your competitive edge—now and into the future.
Microsoft Exchange offers a platform for all your business activities, including email, calendars, contacts, chat, content management and more. It aligns your people, makes them more mobile, and enables them to share information better than any other platform.
Key enhancements in Exchange O365 Cloud include:
Mobility: Meet today’s on-the-road productivity demands
Business is no longer confined to the office. Diverse Concepts’ hosted Exchange O365 Cloud is designed specifically for touchscreens, mobile usability and offline productivity. It ensures your employees can be efficient regardless of location or device. Even if they’re nowhere near an Internet connection.
Email, calendar, contacts: Enhance your core productivity tools
Diverse Concepts’ hosted Exchange O365 Cloud offers exciting new features that improve the way you do business. This includes a simplified calendar interface, integration with LinkedIn and Facebook, email extensibility for embedded maps and more.
It’s the best of both worlds: you deploy Exchange O365 Cloud to improve employee collaboration and mobility. And you leverage Diverse Concepts’ cloud to save capital and eliminate worries. This gives you more effective employees on the one hand, and a leaner and more focused IT on the other.
Business owners always have an eye on the bottom line. Our Hosted Exchange service has a low, predictable monthly cost which will reduce monthly expenses when compared to the cost of administering and maintaining an in house server. No break-fix mode and no cost for upgrades and additional servers. With this scalable model – as your company grows so can your email platform.
Our migration team simplifies your move to the cloud by doing all the heavy lifting for you. Our processes include:
Diverse Concepts’ world-class customer support is available by phone or email 24/7/365—just in case you need us.
Our cloud gives small businesses the kind of reliability enjoyed by the biggest Fortune 500 companies.
Why invest in on premise servers when you can leverage our enterprise-grade datacenters to power your business?
With a simple monthly per-user fee, you offload all the costs of an on premise deployment. This lets you:
Our control panel lets IT streamline management while retaining full control over your cloud.
We offer a complete range of add-on features including email archiving, which ensures that every email that gets sent and received is stored in a tamper-proof archive for search and discovery. Beyond the valuable need for data protection, this service fulfills regulatory requirements for email such as HIPAA, GLBA, SOX, SEC, FINRA and FRCP, as well as other state/federal requirements.
With DirectoryLink, you now have a directory synchronization tool which enables you to link your in-house AD with the hosted AD. This allows password management and the same password policies for both on premise and hosted applications which simplifies user management.
Email Archiving preserves, protects and presents your critical business data. Email Archiving automatically collects, archives and indexes your emails and file attachments, enabling fast and accurate search.
By encrypting email with Encrypted Message, only the sender and recipients, who have a special decryption key, can read the contents of the message and its attachments. If someone intercepts an encrypted message, or tries to access it without permission and the decryption key, they will be unable to read the email or its attachment.
SharePoint is a business-grade document sharing service.
Improve your company’s communication: